
Our accommodation can be rented all-the-year. In the Availability Calendar you can see when the flat is still available for rental.

Availability  >>>>>

Our Availability Calendars are always well maintained. Please also recognize our Special Offers.

The minimum rental is 6 days (check-in and check-out day are counted as one day), i.e. for example from a Sunday (arrival) untill the following Saturday (departure). In case of availability and short notice a rental for 3 to 5 days may be possible.

When planning your vacation please consider that arrival and departure of two subsequent rentals must not fall on the same day, as we would'nt be able to clean-up and tip-top prepare the flat for our next guests.

For arrival or departure you can choose any arbitrary weekday, but, you can help us by refraining from leaving gaps of less than a week between rentals when planning your vacation. - Thanks a lot!

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Ferienwohnung »Nordlicht«

Südspitze 9

25946 Wittdün / Amrum

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+49 (0)2196 888558 

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   Ute und Thomas Weber

   Paulusstraße 35

   42929 Wermelskirchen

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