Südspitze 9, 25946 Wittdün auf Amrum
The 4 stars accommodation »NORDLICHT« is located in the town Wittdün at walking distance from the ferry port. The guesthouse faces a cultivated green area in the middle of the southern land tongue of the island Amrum, which is surrounded by the North Sea. Our flat is on ground floor level and has a size of about 45 square meters, suffused with light. Its southbound terrace (opened sunshade) allows to enjoy the sun and the superb fresh North Sea breeze to the full. In the flat you'll find everything needed for a recreative vacation. The accommodation is designed for 2 individuals (adults) and furnished homelike. It comprises a spacious living room, separate bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and a small hall.
Timeless modern furniture as well as the state-of-the-art facilities are provided for your convenience. In 2016 also the terrace was renewed with a wooden floor and a wind shield in westward direction. Moreover, in Jan./Feb. 2021 we completely renewed the bathroom for our guests. Since June 2023 our flat is supplied with green electricity.
On this page we have summarized the most important information about our holiday home in English language.
We are glad if we aroused your interest in spending your vacation in our holiday home.
Ute & Thomas Weber
[Fyi.: »Nordlicht« is a German term for northern lights (aurora borealis).]
The accommodation »NORDLICHT« on Amrum provides:
[may be subject to change.]
Living room facilities:
[may be subject to change.]
Kitchen facilities:
[may be subject to change.]
Terrace facilities:
[may be subject to change.]
Bedroom facilities:
[may be subject to change.]
Bathroom facilities:
[may be subject to change.]
[may be subject to change.]
How to get there:
The most popular trip to Amrum takes the ferry boat from Dagebüll to Wittdün/Amrum, either directly (90 min.) or with an interim stop at Wyk/Föhr (2 hrs.). Several times a day the modern car ferrys of the 'Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei' take you to the North Sea Island Amrum. Detailed information is provided on the web page www.faehre.de. A ferry ride can be booked upfront via this web page or by phone: +49 4667-94030.
In case you want to bring along your car onto the island Amrum it is strongly recommended to book the ferry ride well in advance as some connections may be already occupied, particularly in peak season.
Alternatively you can leave your car on a large parking area in Dagebüll which offers you a free-of-charge shuttle service to the ferry port. (No upfront booking needed.)
Further yourney options (e.g. via Sylt by aircraft) and infos can be found on the official Amrum web page: www.amrum.de (also in English language).
Ferienwohnung »NORDLICHT«
Südspitze 9
25946 Wittdün auf Amrum
In the following our rental fees per day are listed. They include all running cost such as energy, final cleaning, bedclothes, towels, parking lot (details on included services see below).
The minimum rental is 6 days. Check-in and check-out day are counted as one day, e.g. arrival on Sunday and departure on the following Saturday = 6 days.
In case of a duration of about 3 weeks or longer we will be charging 60 € for an additional interims cleaning of the flat.
Further details will be specified in the rental contract agreement.
Please also have a look at our Special Offers.
[may be subject to change.]
[may be subject to change.]
Please consider that a visitor's tax must be paid on Amrum (see on Internet page www.amrum.de):
Visitor's Tax for each Adult
You will receive the 'visitor's tax cards' either from us together with the booking confirmation or digitally from AmrumTouristik.
[may be subject to change.]
In the rental fees the following services are included:
By request additional bedclothes and/or towels can be provided for small money.
[may be subject to change.]
Our accommodation can be rented all-the-year. In the Availability Calendar you can see when the flat is still available for rental. Our Availability Calendars are always well maintained.
The minimum rental is 6 days (check-in and check-out day are counted as one day), i.e. for example from a Sunday (arrival) untill the following Saturday (departure). In case of availability and short notice a rental for 3 to 5 days may be possible.
When planning your vacation please consider that arrival and departure of two subsequent rentals must not fall on the same day, as we would'nt be able to clean-up and tip-top prepare the flat for our next guests.
For arrival or departure you can choose any arbitrary weekday, but, you can help us by refraining from leaving gaps of less than a week between rentals when planning your vacation. - Thanks a lot!
You can contact us either by phone, E-Mail, or make use of our Online Request.
I'm interested in the accommodation »NORDLICHT«. Please contact me:
Ferienwohnung »NORDLICHT«
Südspitze 9
25946 Wittdün auf Amrum
Phone: +49 2196 888558
E-Mail: webone-amrum@t-online.de
Letter mail should be addressed to:
Ute und Thomas Weber
Paulusstr. 35
42929 Wermelskirchen
©Urheberrecht. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Ute u. Thomas Weber, Paulusstr. 35, 42929 Wermelskirchen
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